PCC Meeting January 2024



Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 23rd January 2024 at 7.30pm in the Porch Room


Present: The Revd Canon Howard Gilbert (Rector and Chair), Linda Jarvis (Reader), Angie Ayling (Churchwarden), Caroline Thackray (Churchwarden), John Jutsum (Treasurer), Margaret Sheather (PCC Secretary and Deanery Synod), Jackie Natt (Electoral Roll), Jennie South (Deanery Synod), Tracey Clements, Julian Elloway (Deanery Synod), David Goldsmith, Alison Wood (Deanery Synod), Judith Cleever, William Reddaway, Simon Ritter

The Rector opened the meeting with prayer






Apologies:  Revd Coral Francis (Curate)



Minutes of the previous meetings held on 28th November 2023 and 20th December 2023

Agreed with the following amendments to 28th November minutes:

5.6 Christmas tree – position is south east not south west

4.3 Should be LR not AR



Matters Arising not covered elsewhere on the agenda

  • Arrangements re electronic organ – continued adjustments being made to ensure good sound quality
  • Verger attendance at events – wider issue is still under discussion, but issue was raised about unlocking the toilets for rehearsals.
  • A number of questions were raised about the capacity for concerts and the policy was confirmed, but will be kept under regular review
  • JS confirmed that our Fairtrade status has been renewed and she has the certificate which she will arrange to display










Deanery Strategic Plan

HG introduced the presentation and the context for it.  The presentation will be circulated after the meeting.  The points raised in discussion are summarised on the separate document, attached, which will be the feedback to the Deanery as well as a reference point for the parish.




Rector’s Report

    • Parish Vision – HG noted that he is now picking up issues from the Vision in his preaching.
    • Prayer Walks – HG outlined a joint plan with MBC to pray for the community in small teams visiting each area of the town, linked to opportunities for residents to suggest topics for prayer.  This may then develop into an annual cycle of prayer that can be featured in the pew sheet.  A sheet was passed round for volunteers to sign up to participate.




    • Conclusion of organ appeal – JJ confirmed the completion and that there was already £37K in the windows fund.  There are more interest payments to come from the money raised for the organ which will assist the overall project.
    • Identification of new treasurer – the search needs to be extended beyond the congregation and possibly into the wider benefice for a shared role.  Splitting the role between treasurer and book-keeper might also be an option.



Fabric and Churchyard

    • Cost of replacement for stolen lead – CT and AA recommend that the lead gutter should be replaced with stainless steel, as outlined in their report.  The additional cost of £950 + VAT will not be covered by the insurance, which is only for like-for-like replacement.   The VAT will be recoverable.  Consent for the work has now been received.

CT proposed and JJ seconded the approval of the additional cost and this was agreed.

    • Doors and skylight – the problems with this resulting from the unusually wet and windy weather and the work being done to resolve the situation were noted.
    • Roof security – DG asked who hears the alarm if it goes off, and what they are supposed to do about it; whether it is audible to any intruder; whether the location of the beam as shown on the diagram is correct.  HG described the arrangements for specific people to be phoned by the alarm system, but that this system should be tested to ensure it is operating.  CT and AA will ask CIA about increasing the audibility of the alarm.  CT explained that the diagram is intended to show the reach of the alarm, not the exact location, which is correct.















    • Action plan for approval  - this was approved subject to dates for the various actions being inserted
    • Confirm safeguarding procedure – it was agreed that the procedure set out in the Parish Safeguarding Handbook should be adopted and MS will discuss with JE how this is notified to the necessary people.

These two decisions were proposed by HG and seconded by LJ.







St Barnabas, Box

Nothing specific to report



Electoral Roll update

Following a number of deaths this now stands at 209.  It was noted that this reduction also has an impact on levels of planned giving.



Any Other Business

    • JN asked what happens to any funds raised at the Pancake Evening.  These will go into the General Fund.
    • CT reported that the Brownings have come across a book in their possession that seems to have an historic relevance to the church.  Advice on this can be sought from the history group and also from the Diocesan Archivist.







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