PCC minutes September 2023



Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 12th September 2023 at 7.30pm in the Porch Room


Present: The Revd Canon Howard Gilbert (Rector and Chair), (Curate),  Revd Tracey Clements (Curate),  Angie Ayling (Churchwarden), Caroline Thackray (Churchwarden), Margaret Sheather (PCC Secretary and Deanery Synod), Julian Elloway (Deanery Synod), Alison Wood (Deanery Synod), Judith Cleever, William Reddaway,

The Rector opened the meeting with prayer





Apologies:   John Jutsum; Jackie Natt; Jennie South; Linda Jarvis; David Goldsmith; Simon Ritter; Revd Coral Francis



Minutes of the previous meeting held on 17th July 2023  (Previously circulated)

These were agreed.



Matters Arising not covered elsewhere on the agenda

  • WR and CT have done research on the floodlighting item and will bring a report to a future meeting
  • TC reported on improvements to the children’s area and sought feedback on the impact of the new location.  The new materials can be rotated seasonally and TC is keeping it as tidy as possible.  The changes were welcomed and thought to be working well.
  • Noted that the communications group is yet to meet.









Rector’s Report

    1. Layout of chairs in church.  The introduction of the chairs offers much more flexibility of seating and the wardens, verger and clergy have tried some different layouts recently.  A previous PCC decision was to use the same layout as the former pews.  HG proposed a new position - that the chairs can now be used in a variety of layouts as required.  This was agreed unanimously.
    2. House Groups – two are now ready to start and will begin shortly.
    3. Prayer training weekend ­– This is to take place on 18th- 19th November with a facilitator, and will be open to other churches.  Part of the outcome for us may be developing our own prayer ministry in new ways as well as revitalising existing prayer work.
    4. Community Hub - continues to develop and the gym is now breaking even and making a contribution financially and we now need to strengthen its Christian context a bit more.  Youth club is thriving and full, and showing a clear positive impact for the children that attend but this has also shown the need for more professional input.  The Parish Council has agreed in principle, subject to public consultation, to raise the precept to enable funding of a youth worker and also improve playground facilities across the town. 

WR asked about the financial background to the arrangements and suggested a leaflet to inform people about this.  HG gave a brief account of the background and confirmed such a leaflet will be provided when the agreement with a new tenant is finalised..

    1. Newcomers Tea – six members confirmed attendance and it is expected that a total of 25 people will be present.  PCC members to provide finger food.




Future arrangements for payroll - MS introduced JJ’s paper and additional information JJ had provided.  MS proposed and AA seconded that TSL should be appointed.  This was agreed unanimously.





Fabric and Churchyard

    1. Fabric Report - CT and AA spoke to their report.  The work on the access hatches should be completed this week.  AA has met Che re the lighting and also other small electrical issues re plugs in the Lady Chapel and choir.  HG noted the need to have some lighting available in future for the visitors’ prayer walk so possibilities for this such as proximity sensor etc need to be explored.  Also noted the examination of the parapet gutter to check whether there is a leak.
    2. Fire extinguisher training – all the extinguishers are now in proper stands and have notices beside them.  The Fabric Report sets out the possibility of training for relevant people.  It was proposed to take up the offer and share the places with MBC and others and this was welcomed as a way forward.
    3. Churchyard – appreciation was expressed for all the work led By Martyn Beaufort and the excellent exhibition for the Heritage Day.  A leaflet will be developed on the churchyard layout and points of interest, and there is also the possibility of a notice about the Commonwealth War Graves. There is also the possibility of a project about the graves of those who committed suicide and a form of funeral service, which is now permitted.  It was suggested that the exhibition be moved into church so there is more opportunity for people to view it.

The wall collapse on the eastern side as set out in the report was discussed.  Two quotes have been received ( £2,946 and £1,000) but with very different attention to detail and likely quality of outcome and how many metres to be repaired.  The discussion focussed on the difficult balance of cost and quality. Further information is needed on the lower quote to ensure it includes all likely costs and CT will pursue this.  HG proposed, WR seconded, that PCC refer the decision to the Standing Committee to decide when full information is available, with authority to accept appropriate quote.  This was agreed.























CT/Standing Committee



HG reported new safeguarding officer – Jackie Ellis – who is experienced in safeguarding activity.  She has already met Becca Faal, the DSO, and has completed the parish dashboard which is highlighting the actions we need to take.  Apart from the routine issues the main point arising at present is that we have not been employing safer recruitment processes and J Ellis is following this up.



St Barnabas, Box

HG and Gerald South are covering Box and continuing to plan events, with Ann Morris presiding one Sunday a month.



Electoral Roll update




Any Other Business

  • HG reported our team won the MInchinhampton moo race  and the trophy will have our name put on it!!
  • Making the most of our events – WR, in the light of the mini-fete, commented about how to make these kinds of events more attractive to families, and/or link with other organisations such as Kids Stuff and the Long Table.  Further thoughts about marketing were raised by MinchFest and the administrative  support needed.  How and when are our events are planned and advertised and where can we find that out?

TC and HG reported that this kind of programme is being developed, and some consideration being given to marketing including online.



The meeting ended with the Grace at 9.20pm.

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