Parochial Church Council Minutes May 2022



Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 24th May 2022


Present: The Revd Canon Howard Gilbert (Rector and Chair), Revd Coral Francis (Curate),  Linda Jarvis (Reader), Angie Ayling (Churchwarden), Caroline Thackray (Churchwarden), John Jutsum (Treasurer), Margaret Sheather (PCC Secretary and Deanery Synod), Jackie Natt (Deanery Synod), Ian Jarvis, Joan Goldsmith, Alison Wood (Deanery Synod), Judith Cleever,


The Rector opened the meeting with prayer





Apologies: Julian Elloway; William Reddaway; Tracey Clements



Minutes of the previous meeting held on 23rd March 2022

JE had submitted a proposed amendment to item 4 as follows:

CT asked whether it would be possible to re-establish the choir organ at a later date.  WHC referred to the organ builder’s views on this. Responding to a further question about this WHC made it clear that it would not be possible to reinstate the Choir organ, because two of the present Choir ranks of pipes would have been incorporated into the rebuilt Great and Swell organs.

This was agreed and, subject to this amendment, the minutes were approved.



Matters Arising not covered elsewhere on the agenda




PCC Appointments

  • Standing Committee members – LJ was not intending to stand again, and JN was happy to stand again. HG proposed and AW seconded JN’s membership.  This was carried.

There were no other nominations at the meeting so MS will contact those not present in case they wish to stand.  If not then LJ will be willing to continue if the dates of SC meetings can be reviewed.

  • Appointment of secretary - HG and CF proposed and seconded MS.  This was approved.
  • Appointment of treasurer – JJ is willing to stand but repeated his wish to hand over to someone else.  HG reported that this may be possible next year and proposed JJ to continue.  This was seconded by JN and approved. 
  • Co-options – none at this point but to remain open to later proposals.







Rector’s Report.

    1. Vision action plan - HG talked through the allocation of tasks that have been agreed so far as shown in the minutes of the Standing Committee.  This will be produced in a form to share with the congregation.

Welcome – small group established and JC agreed to join.  Also suggested Cheryl Ritter be invited.  We must get better at welcoming newcomers not just at the door but in conversation after the service.

Prayer – staff team take this forward initially across the wide range of points on this topic and involve others as appropriate.

Outreach – work already going on and this will also be developed by the staff team.

Worship – Worship, Prayer and Spirituality Committee to follow up these actions.  There will be a Pet Pageant on 26th June led by Revd Andrew Bowden.

Acoustics – needs to be led by the PCC and volunteers are needed to form a small group (e.g. 3 people) to research and consider the options for improving this.  Jon Miles will do a full review of the system when the new kit is installed to make sure it is working at its best. 

IJ is happy to contribute to the group and MS will ask those not present if they are interested.  The diocesan property department may also have useful advice or contacts. 

Miscellany – lecture series Faith and...; make sure we advertise this across the Deanery.  Environment working group getting underway; two more volunteers for fund-raising group.

Two remaining items – We need an audit of everything we do and who we do it for in order to show the balance of our work across different age groups and congregation/others.  Communications then need developing to maintain knowledge about activity, including to those unable to attend church or access information online.  This can then be a focus for planned prayer.

Re-establish newcomers’ party on 3rd July at the Rectory.  The PCC is the host so someone is needed to ensure members attend and get contributions of food.   It was agreed that there should be an announcement this Sunday encouraging members of the congregation to let the office know about newcomers to be invited, and then put a notice in pew sheet.

    1. Schedule of fees for church and porch roomHG referred to the circulated paper and the rationale behind it.  This was approved and will apply to all new bookings from 7th June.  There needs to be a Separate discussion with Stuart Singers about their position.  MS to update contract document for finalising by HG.
    2. PCC and Standing Committee rolesthis was noted and in response to a question from IJ it was confirmed that in future if different views have been expressed on a decision that the Standing Committee is considering then both should be put in writing to ensure that equivalent information is available on both viewpoints. 


































    1. First quarter accounts – JJ spoke to his report.  There is a surplus of just under £4K for this quarter which is very positive and arises from increased numbers of weddings but particularly funerals, and from increased rentals.  The serious problem area is planned giving with significant losses from the deaths of major givers.  The causes of the surplus might not be sustained in full whereas loss of planned giving is fixed. 

JJ stressed the need to get income from the Community Hub and HG confirmed the surveyor is coming on Friday 27th and that is the starting point for getting a lease and rent agreed. 

In response to a question JJ confirmed that our gas and electricity are on a four year fixed contract until 2024. 

JJ drew attention to various points in the notes including the project fundraising. 



Fabric and Churchyard

    1. Fabric Committee report – CT referred to the report and invited questions.  The Quinquennial inspection will take place in August.
    2. Organ project update – Warwick Cole attending and report provided by Leonora Rosee.  WHC is in discussion with the organ builders about timing and about the two alternative plans.  They are broadly on target with the timing and would prefer to see Option A carried out as it’s better for the organ, but would be content to implement Option B.

Fund-raising has improved since the last meeting and is now only £14K short of the amount required for Option B, but £74K short of Option A.  There are several grant applications totalling about £50K yet to receive a response but they may not all get a positive outcome, and there is £26K currently allocated to the windows project but which could be diverted.  All of this would enable Option A to be completed.

The decision needed was when to go ahead and with which option.

Discussion raised:

  • a number of points of clarification about the options
  • the likely increase of cost if delayed
  • what cost increases might be allowed for in the contract
  • whether it was reasonable to go for the more costly option when there were still the windows to fund in the future
  • Any risk to the grants already committed if the plan changed?

In response to the last point it was not thought that grants had been made conditional on the plan but we would need to alert grant givers if we make the change.

WHC acknowledged with appreciation JE’s discreet approach to this discussion and LR’s hard work on the project as a whole.

HG proposed Option A, JJ seconded.  This was approved with 11 for, 1 against.

Need to report back to the congregation.

    1. Report on windowsnoted the main report and CT’s summary.  The issue will come back to the PCC in the autumn when the picture will be clearer.  CT was thanked for her resume of the position.  When the organ project is complete then focus will shift to windows and launch the Friends of the Parish.





























MS shared a number of points from the most recent Diocesan Safeguarding Newsletter.

JG raised a concern about occasions when a Sunday School leader finds themselves alone with a child or children unless the parent joins.  It’s not strictly a requirement to have a second adult but it is a protection for the leader.  Need to approach a few people who can be asked to join if necessary – do this after church by personal approach.








Deanery Synod report




St Barnabas, Box

Committee meeting has now been held and the question of frequency (and therefore cost) of cleaning was raised.  This was not welcomed as the building is a key focus for the congregation there and the issue will be discussed again later in the year.

Also discussed having a sequence of big community services at key points in the year.  First to be 25th September harvest festival with bring and share lunch and celebration.

HG is Working on identifying a member of clergy to be a consistent link with Box church and community.



Electoral Roll update

Currently stands at 217 – some losses and some new members.



Any Other Business

New display boards have arrived.



The meeting closed with the Grace at 9.40pm

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